Since 2002, the D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership has collaborated with the Dahl School of Business to host a series of "brown bag" presentations featuring regional business leaders. The purpose of the series is to bring students and community members together for regular discussions about the values and virtues that inform successful business practices.
The presentations are free and open to the public. No registration is required. Complimentary soup, bread and dessert served at each event with the program beginning at 12:20 p.m.
Upcoming Events
Dustin Luecke, News Anchor
Monday, Sept. 23
Noon –1 p.m., Viterbo University Fine Arts Center FSPA Lobby
Dustin Luecke is News 19 evening anchor and part of the WXOW/WQOW family since October 2009. An Emmy-winning journalist, Dustin’s work has also been recognized by the Radio Television Digital News Association, the Midwest Broadcast Journalists Association, and the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association for excellence.
Dustin will share his perspective on ethical journalism; plus, the process of gaining a news anchor position including how storytelling and personal branding play a role in his success.