What is a Liberal Arts Education?

A liberal arts education is not one that teaches you the answers, rather, it helps you understand how to ask questions. Viterbo’s academic programs are firmly rooted in the liberal arts, providing our students with broad knowledge and the freedom to sample a variety of academic disciplines.

As a student at Viterbo, you will study a wide range of subjects—from the natural and social sciences, to the arts and humanities—so that you may fully appreciate and understand the world and your role in it. Whatever major you choose, you will acquire a solid foundation in the liberal arts along with in-depth study in your chosen field of concentration. Students who decide to major in the natural sciences or engineering, for example, will also take courses in history, philosophy, or the arts—as well as a variety of other offerings.

Research shows that 93% of employers agree that a candidate's demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than their undergraduate major.

—Association of American Colleges and Universities

Viterbo’s academic programs will prepare students not only for the workplace, but for learning and growing outside their chosen profession. Because employers value the skills inherent in a liberal arts education, students are given the opportunity to:

  • think critically and creatively
  • communicate effectively
  • integrate knowledge from different disciplines
  • apply knowledge and skills in real world settings

Learn more about the LIVE Core Curriculum and Viterbo’s academic majors and programs.