Associate of Science in Education (ASEd)

Degree Type
Area of Interest
Degree Level
College of Engineering, Letters, and Sciences

Associate of Science in Education is a credential awarded to a student in a Viterbo University education program who satisfies the requirements of the degree as outlined below. With this earned Associate of Science in Education degree, students are eligible to apply for a substitute teaching license in the state of Wisconsin.


A maximum of 45 credits may be transferred into the program.

Learning Outcomes
  • Ethical Reasoning: Students respond to ethical issues, using informed value systems.
  • Critical Thinking: Students comprehensively explore issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating and opinion or conclusion.
  • Oral Communication and Written Communication: Students speak and write to suit varied purposes, audiences, disciplines, and contexts.
  • Develop foundational professional knowledge of theory and pedagogy appropriate for PK-12 school settings.
  • Describe and apply child development principles in planning lessons for children from PK-12 school settings.