Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

Use the link above to manually enter citation information into a request form.



Beginning July 3, 2024, the library changed its interlibrary loan service. The requesting process is basically identical. The following are the two major changes:

  1. You can no longer use My Library Account to renew, resubmit, or view previous requests. For help with these, email
  2. Previously, My Library Account had a button where you could manually submit requests. Now, to manually submit requests, you must either:
    • Use the link at the top of this page.
    • Use the link in the Catalog header (which is also visible when using My Library Account). At the top, select “Resources” then “Interlibrary Loan Form.”

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Frequenty Asked Questions

What is Interlibrary Loan?

If a current student, faculty, or staff can't find an item through Viterbo's resources, we can likely borrow it from another library.

How Do I Request Items?

This Interlibrary Loan Tutorial walks you through the two ways of creating a request:

  1. Manual request where you manually enter citation information into the request form.
  2. Automatic request where you find a record with citation information in a database or the catalog. Then, you click "Request through Interlibrary Loan" and the citation information is automatically inserted into the request form.

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When Will Items Arrive?

The following are times that items typically arrive. Time may vary depending on item availability and library location.

  • Articles and Book Chapters: Around 1 day

  • Books: 6-10 days

  • Dissertations: These require more time to obtain than books or articles if they are only owned by the original publisher. If the dissertation is not available for loan from the original publisher, you may purchase it from UMI Dissertation Express.

  • Conference Papers: These can be difficult or impossible to obtain. These papers are usually maintained by the author rather than a library. Sometimes, if you contact the author, he or she will share the conference paper with you.  Please ask if you need help locating the author.

  • Videos, Music, Musical Scores, and Reference Items: Many libraries don't lend these, so it can take us longer to find them than it does to find books or articles.

  • Microfilm and Microfiche: We can usually borrow these, but they must be viewed in the library due to their expense.

How Do I Know When Items Arrive?

We'll email you.

  • Articles and Book Chapters: You'll receive a link and password to access it.
  • Physical Items:
    • On-campus Patrons: You may pick it up at the circulation desk or ask that it be delivered via interdepartmental mail. For delivery, include your building and room number in the comments field on the request form. 
    • Off-campus Patrons: If you wish to have the item delivered by postal mail, leave your full address in the comments field on the request form.
How Long Can I Borrow Items?

Loan periods for items are determined by the lending library, not Viterbo. Loan periods vary, but are typically around 4 weeks. We will attach a label with the due date to the cover of the item.

Can I Renew Items?

It is common for lending libraries to grant one renewal, but no more. To renew, email

Overdue materials cannot be renewed. If you still need the item, email and we will request another copy. We ask that you return overdue items immediately so we stay on good terms with our lenders.

Can I See What Items I've Previously Requested?

You can't access a list of past requests online through My Library Account. If you've saved past email notifications, try searching "Interlibrary Loan" in your email. Otherwise, email and let us know what time range you're interested in. We can email information about past requests.

Can I Borrow Textbooks?

The library does not promote the borrowing or lending of textbooks and will decline an interlibrary loan borrowing request when it is done in lieu of purchasing a textbook for a course. The process of borrowing a textbook can take up a few weeks, leaving the student without a textbook for that time. Also, Interlibrary loan items generally must be returned within four weeks, leaving a student without a textbook for the remainder of the semester.

How Can I Ask Questions?

See Ask Us.