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 Text saying Disability Pride Month

July is Disability Pride Month

While not a nationally recognized month, Disability Pride Month has been celebrated in July since 1990.  The first coincided with the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act on July 29, 1990.  Disability Pride Month is not only an event that celebrates people with disabilities and chronic illnesses, it is also about drawing attention to the fight for disability representation and equal rights.
Luis Jimenez holding his gift bag of snacks and drinks

Congratulations to Luis Jimenez Our Courtyard Carni Winner!

Congratulations to Luis Jimenez for having the closest guess to the actual weight of the 20 volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary. Luis guessed 130 lbs. The actual weight was 131 lbs, 15.5 oz. Luis won a reserved study room for finals week along with a gift bag of snacks drinks.

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