Rochelle Brooks is a faculty member in the Dahl School of Business and teaches in the traditional and bachelor completion programs. She teaches courses such as Management Information Systems and Applications, Business and Professional Writing, Business Communication, Ethical Leadership, and Project Management. Brooks is also the program chair for the Division of Management and Marketing. She has earned a Masters in Education-Professional Development (ME-PD) degree at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and a Ph.D. from Capella University in Organizational Management with a specialization in Communications Technology.
Following the completion of her Ph.D., she served as an independent contractor for Capella University where she designed a course for the graduate level entitled "Ethical Considerations in Technology Applications." She later served as Subject Matter Expect for the course titled "Ethical and Human Side of Information of Technology" at Capella University and designed a course for Viterbo entitled "Ethics and Technology." Her research interests center around ethical issues presented by information technology in business. Her doctoral dissertation was on privacy policies. Brooks is mentoring a research project for a nursing student who has a minor in management where they are investigating the impact and the challenges of the electronic medical record. She is also studying the impact of ethics training/education in the area of information technology and has been involved in investigating the effectiveness of "Codes of Ethics."
- The Development of A Code of Ethics: An Online Classroom Approach to Making Connections between Ethical Foundations and the Challenges presented by Information Technology. American Journal of Business Education, 3(10). October 2010.
- Implementation of Electronic Medical Records: How Health Care Providers are Managing the Challenges of Going Digital. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 8(6). June 2010.
- Addressing Ethics and Technology in Business: Preparing Today's Students for the Ethical Challenges Presented by Technology in the Workplace. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 1(2). Spring 2008.
- An Imbalance of Power: The Readability of Internet Privacy Policies. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 2(3). March 2004.
- The Ethics of Data Privacy in an Electronic Marketplace: The Incorporation of Fair Information Practice Principles into Privacy Policies. Review of Business Information Systems. 7(1). Winter 2003.