The world has incredible diversity in human experience, from geography, ethnicity, class, race, religion, politics, community, and shared values. This course explores how good leadership demands acknowledging human diversity and reacting to it constructively and with empathy. Students will explore how practically leadership relies on subtle cultural subtext and how a diverse world demands a diverse set of approaches and perspectives to leadership.

This course focuses on organizational learning and humility, emphasizing the sincere quest for truth that motivates experimentation and natural improvement that comes from committed obedience to revealed truth.

Contemplation, hospitality, honesty, service, self-sacrifice, and calling are explored in a leadership context with practical implications and connect meaningfully to professional settings.

The process of closing gaps between constituent groups in decision making is explored. Zero sum and positive sum negotiation strategies are explored, including small normal form games. Using this theoretical foundation, students learn practical negotiation skills and apply them in simulated situations requiring competence and finesse.