Ways of Thinking

Historical Analysis

To think historically is to understand history as a discipline concerned
(a) with the past and / or
(b) with issues of change and continuity over time.
Historical knowledge is acquired through the systematic analysis of primary and secondary sources and the construction of historical interpretations of past people and societies.

Literary Analysis

Literary analysis examines how a literary text’s formal features and the conventions of prose, poetry, or drama contribute to its meaning. 

Scientific Reasoning in the Natural Sciences

Scientific reasoning in the natural sciences (SRNS) is the ability to produce knowledge and draw conclusions about the natural world based upon systematically gathered facts and evidence. SRNS courses facilitate student understanding and application of scientific principles and methods.

Scientific Reasoning in the Social Sciences

Scientific research in the social sciences (SS) uses empirical methods to think critically about human cognition, behavior, or social structure.

Artistic Engagement

Artistic awareness is an understanding of how the arts contribute to human experience. The arts provide students with skills for interpreting the world in a more meaningful way. Artistic awareness courses engage students in the arts and provide them with insight into the creative process.

Theological Inquiry

Theological Inquiry is the critical examination and critique of theological texts, associated narratives, varied textual interpretations, and theological doctrines.

Integrating Faith and Practice

Integrating Faith and Practice connects and applies Theological Inquiry outcomes to particular theological constructs and contexts.

Philosophical and Moral Inquiry

Courses that meet the Philosophical and Moral Inquiry requirement at Viterbo are designed to introduce and cultivate students’ ability to engage in critical questioning about themselves and the world around them.