On This Day, Be the Difference

DOG 23 Final Numbers


Give Today

One day can make a huge impact on the lives of our students now and into the future. Thank you to everyone who donated during our 2023 Day of Giving.

Join us on October 10th, 2024, for our sixth annual Day of Giving to kick off Viterbo Days Alumni Weekend.


In 2023, our goal was 750 donors and $325,000. We managed to soar past our expectations with 993 donors and $581,270 in total donations.

Gifts to Day of Giving in 2023 helped provide funds for students, special projects within each of the colleges, schools, and conservatory, along with student scholarships and so much more.

Each and every donation has such an impact on our incredible students and future alums. When you give a gift to Viterbo you are supporting curiosity, integrity, innovation, teamwork, and, most importantly, future leaders.



Sr. Thea Bowman Center Challenge

A donor has decided to match gifts of any size (up to $20,000) made to the Sr Thea Bowman Center. Gifts will be matched $5 for every $1, so any gift is worth while.

Continuing the legacy of Sr. Thea Bowman ’65, the Center aims to fulfill her mission of “living in love” by providing resources for education and understanding of human dignity and social justice. Donate today to support the Legacy of Sr Thea Bowman, and foster growth in her community.